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A person who has professional knowledge through constant self-improvement, working with patience and passion in his job

01. Challenging

A person with enterprising and challenging thinking who constantly creates new ideas and values

02. Professional

A person who has professional knowledge through constant self-improvement, working with patience and passion in his job

03. International

People who have international competitiveness in an era of endless competition with a wide view of the world and the ability to use foreign languages

▶ Talent Model Semyungtech

In order to realize the dream of Semyung Tech, which has achieved continuous development through continuous accumulation of technology and quality improvement, we are devoting ourselves to securing talented people with a management strategy that prioritizes talent value..

To this end, the infinite creative competence that can lead the changing trend is essential.
In addition, prompt and accurate information sharing is required, and an active mind is needed in interpersonal relationships.
Semyung Tech's talented person is a person who loves his organization and has a passionate attitude to show professionalism in his work and the ability to keep pace with the era of infinite competition.